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Denture Adjustments May Be Needed With New Dentures

Denture Adjustments May Be Needed With New Dentures

You might not expect to need denture adjustments after being fitted for a brand-new set of dentures. However, even a new appliance might need adjusting early on.During the first month, it is essential to pay careful attention to the comfort and feel of your new dental prosthetic. It is normal to experience an adjustment period…

Denture Repairs When Dentures Warp

Denture Repairs When Dentures Warp

Although it is encouraged to do everything possible to prevent dentures from warping, dentists understand that it can still happen. The good news is that denture repairs are possible for warped dentures. This review discusses how a dentist can repair dentures that are warped.Denture repairs for warped teeth are usually effective in restoring their appearance…